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Postpartum Depression: Empowering Moms with Support for Recovery

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Becoming a mother is a transformative experience filled with joy, love, and new beginnings. However, for some moms, the postpartum period can also bring unexpected challenges, including the possibility of postpartum depression. If you or someone you know is facing this emotional journey, know you are not alone. 

With the right support and understanding, moms can find strength and recover from postpartum depression, emerging as even stronger, resilient, and empowered individuals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the mental health conditions many individuals face during postpartum and how having a supportive environment can facilitate recovery. Let’s take a look!

The Challenges of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a real and common condition that affects many new moms. It can manifest as overwhelming sadness, anxiety, and detachment. The emotional and physical changes during this period can also cause isolation and confusion. That’s why having a support system that understands their challenges and provides the necessary support is crucial.

The Impact of a Supportive Environment

A supportive environment is crucial for postpartum recovery. When surrounded by understanding family members, friends, and healthcare professionals, moms feel validated and reassured. With this nurturing environment, moms can seek help without hesitation, receive appropriate treatment, and embark on recovery.

How Having Quality Healthcare Services Can Help

Healthcare professionals experienced in maternal mental health can offer a safe and non-judgmental space for women to express their emotions and concerns. They can provide evidence-based therapies, counseling, and medication management when appropriate. That way, mothers can have proper guidance on their path to recovery.

Get The Necessary Support With Our Women’s Health Services At Rogue Community Health

If you or someone you know is facing postpartum depression, remember that hope and help are available. At Rogue Community Health, we understand how challenging postpartum depression can be and are here to provide the necessary support. Our women’s health services are designed to address the unique needs of women during pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.

Just follow these steps to get the comprehensive care you deserve:

  1. Schedule an Appointment: Reach out when you’re ready. We are here to listen, understand, and provide the support you need during this important period.
  2. Openly Share Your Concerns and Emotions: By sharing your experiences, we can better understand your needs and tailor the care to meet your requirements.
  3. Get Quality Care: Our team will work closely with you to develop a customized care plan that addresses your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. 


Not addressing postpartum depression can have significant risks for the mother and the baby. Your family deserves better than that! At Rogue Community Health, our experienced healthcare professionals can help you find relief with postpartum support, regain your emotional well-being, and enjoy the precious moments of early motherhood with confidence and joy. 

Don’t wait to seek help – prioritize your mental health and contact Rogue Community Health today!



The Power of Annual Physical and Health Screenings in Safeguarding Your Well-Being

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There’s nothing like being and feeling healthy. It’s a state of well-being that allows us to fully embrace life, pursue our passions, and enjoy precious moments with our loved ones. However, it’s not something we can take for granted, so you’re usually taking measures to stay healthy. 

One crucial aspect of preventive care is the annual physical and health screenings. While it’s easy to overlook these routine check-ups, they help detect health issues, identify risk factors, and establish a baseline for future comparisons. This blog post will explore why annual physicals are essential to maintain your well-being so you don’t miss a single appointment!

Stay One Step Ahead- Detect Health Issues Early

Annual physicals allow you to assess your overall health. Through examinations and screenings, you can detect potential health issues early, even before symptoms become apparent. That way, you can get prompt intervention and better treatment outcomes.

Prepare For Anything- Identify Risk Factors:

During an annual physical, your healthcare provider will evaluate various risk factors that could predispose you to certain health conditions. Knowing this information can help you make informed decisions about your health, such as making lifestyle modifications or undergoing targeted screenings.

Know And Understand Your Health Status- Establish a Baseline for Future Comparison

Annual physicals establish a valuable baseline for future comparison. They allow you to track changes, identify trends, and address deviations from normal health status. That way, you can monitor organ function, detect disease progression, and inform preventive strategies for proactive health management.

Make Your Appointment For an Annual Physical And Screening at Rogue Community Health

Don’t overlook the power of annual physicals and health screenings; you could miss the chance to identify what’s best for you! Take control of your health today by scheduling an appointment with Rogue Community Health in Medford, OR. We understand you want to feel safe and healthy, so we provide quality healthcare and tests at our community health service.

Just follow these steps to get your health screenings: 

  1. Schedule an Appointment: Contact our clinic, and our friendly staff will assist you in finding a convenient date and time.
  2. Discuss Your Health Concerns: Share any symptoms, family history, or specific issues you want to address. We are here to listen attentively and ensure your screenings are tailored to your needs.
  3. Get Health Screenings: These screenings may include vital signs measurements, blood tests, imaging, and other diagnostic tools to assess your overall health.

Contact Rogue Community Health today to schedule your annual physical and get follow-up healthcare based on the results. Your health matters to us, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Invest in your well-being today, and let us be your partner in achieving and maintaining optimal health.



Nutrition And Healthy Eating: 4 Tips For A Balanced Lifestyle

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Nutrition and healthy eating are vital in nourishing our bodies and promoting well-being. A balanced diet provides the essential nutrients for optimal functioning, boosts energy levels, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. However, with so many dietary options and restrictions, building a good plan can be confusing and challenging.

After all, you need plates that provide the energy and nutrients you’re missing, so it’s important to go into it with the right information and support. This blog post will explore four practical tips to help you achieve a balanced lifestyle through nutrition and healthy eating. That way, you can face this journey with confidence and a clear idea. Let’s begin!

1. Build A Balanced Plate

A balanced plate is essential for meeting your nutritional needs, so including various food groups is extremely important. Start with fruits and vegetables, which provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Add lean proteins to support muscle growth, and include whole grains for sustained energy. Don’t forget healthy fats for your heart!

2. Embrace Healthy Eating Habits

Incorporating healthy habits into your routine can significantly affect your nutrition and well-being. Start with meal planning, which helps you make healthier choices, reduce food waste, and save time. Doing this helps you a lot when grocery shopping since you avoid stepping out of your budget!

3. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial to a balanced lifestyle. Drink plenty of water during the day to stay energized, support digestion, and promote clear skin. If you want to motivate yourself, you can buy a colorful bottle with liter measurements. You can also infuse water with fruits or herbs for a refreshing twist.

4. Seek Professional Guidance

If you have specific dietary needs or concerns, seeking professional guidance can be beneficial. A registered dietitian or nutritionist can provide personalized advice tailored to your circumstances. That way, you can address nutritional deficiencies, manage food allergies, and get ongoing support.

Build A Personalized Nutrition Plan With Our Experts At Rogue Community Health

Whether you’re looking to manage a specific health condition, improve your energy levels, or enhance your overall vitality, having a good nutrition plan to fulfill your goals is important. However, achieving this on your own can be challenging, especially if you’re unsure about the meals you’re lacking. That’s when Rogue Community Health can help!

We understand you have unique needs and challenges when it comes to nutrition. We are here to listen to your concerns, provide guidance, and create a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your requirements.

Neglecting your nutrition can lead to nutrient deficiencies, low energy levels, compromised immune function, and an increased risk of chronic diseases. By partnering with Rogue Community Health and following our personalized meal plans, you can ensure you’re giving your body the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Call us!


Southern Oregon Preventive Care: Importance And Benefits Of Regular Check-Ups

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Are you living in Southern Oregon and looking for ways to stay healthy? Taking preventive measures, like scheduling regular check-ups with your doctor or healthcare provider, is one of the best things you can do to protect your health. Doing so ensures that serious diseases or chronic conditions are detected as early as possible.

Staying on top of your health also helps build a relationship between yourself and your provider — creating a more personalized care routine tailored specifically for you. That way, you can guarantee you’re getting the specialized attention you deserve. In this blog post, we’ll look at the importance of preventive care and its many benefits in Southern Oregon. Keep reading!

The Power Of Prevention

Preventive care is all about proactive steps to maintain good health and prevent potential health issues. It involves regular check-ups, screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle adjustments so you catch and address health concerns before they escalate. By embracing preventive care, you empower yourself to make informed choices that positively impact your well-being.

Early Detection Saves Lives

Many illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and hypertension, may not exhibit noticeable symptoms in their early stages. However, through routine screenings and tests during check-ups, healthcare professionals can identify potential risks or abnormalities,  increasing your chances of successful treatment.

Cost Savings In The Long Run

By identifying and addressing potential health issues early on, you may avoid costly treatments or complications that could arise from undetected conditions. Investing in preventive care now can lead to significant cost savings by preventing the need for extensive medical interventions in the future.

Peace Of Mind And Empowerment

Knowing that you are taking active steps to maintain your well-being can boost your confidence and overall quality of life. It allows you to control your health journey and make informed decisions that align with your goals and values.

Take Action: Prioritize Your Health With Rogue Community Health In Southern Oregon

As a resident of Southern Oregon, you need access to dependable medical care to ensure you’re on top of your health needs. However, finding a place that meets all your requirements can be complicated. But remember, you should have a dedicated team that cares for your health. That’s why Rogue Community Health provides a range of services dedicated to preventive care.

If you don’t actively search for local preventive care, you risk missing out on its numerous benefits. Without regular check-ups and proactive measures, potential health issues may go undetected, leading to more significant complications in the future. Your health is too important to ignore! Take the initiative and prioritize your well-being by calling our community health center.


Is My Child Depressed? 8 Signs To Look For

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It’s heartbreaking to watch your child go through depression. You try to understand what they are going through, which often makes you feel overwhelmed and helpless. Unfortunately, our kids’ mental health is all too often overlooked until the depression has already taken over their lives.

In this blog post, we will talk about how depression in children manifests itself and tools that parents can use to help manage and mitigate its symptoms for their child’s mental well-being without compromising anyone’s quality of life or your family’s stability.

Data & Statistics

In 2022 JAMA Pediatrics published an article that showed how anxiety and depression were trending issues among kids aged 13-17. By 2020, 5.6 million kids (9.2%) had been diagnosed with anxiety problems, and 2.4 million (4.0%) had depression.

Even before the pandemic, mental health diagnoses had been on a steady incline. Between 2016 and 2019, anxiety saw an immense surge, with 27% more children being diagnosed, while depression experienced a 24% jump. The prevalence of these conditions continued to rise in 2020 despite economic uncertainty; 5.6 million kids live with anxiety every day, and 2.4 million are facing depression as well.

Can You Tell If Your Child Is Depressed? Here Are The Main Symptoms

When a child is depressed, parents may notice some of these signs:

  • Sad or bad mood:  Your child may seem more irritable, sad, or hopeless. They might talk about feeling like they can’t be happy anymore.
  • Lack of interest: Your child may not want to participate in activities that were once enjoyable.
  • Sleeping too much or too little: Your child might sleep more than usual or less. In either case, their sleeping patterns should be monitored.
  • Eating too much or too little: Your child’s appetite might change significantly, and they may gain or lose weight quickly.
  • Low energy: Your child may seem more tired than usual and have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Social withdrawal: Your child might be less likely to spend time with friends or family or stop participating in socializing activities.
  • Difficulty managing emotions: Your child may struggle to control their feelings and have outbursts of anger or sadness. They could also become overwhelmed very quickly by even gentle criticism.
  • Poor concentration: Your child may find it hard to focus on tasks or seem more forgetful.

What Should You Do If You Think Your Child Is Depressed?

If you think your child may be experiencing depression, it’s important to take action and seek professional help. Here are some tips on how to manage the condition:

  1. Talk to them: The most important thing is to open up a dialogue and let them know that you are there for them no matter what. Show them that you are willing to listen and provide emotional support. Don’t judge. Don’t minimize their feelings, dismiss their symptoms, deny their feelings, or compare their feelings to others. Just listen and provide a safe space to open up when they are ready.
  2. Create a safe environment: Make sure your home is where your child can feel comfortable and secure. Set expectations for yourself and them to create an atmosphere of understanding and respect.
  3. Reach out to a child therapist: If the depression is severe and you’re concerned about your child’s safety, find a professional therapist who specializes in treating children and teens. Seeking professional support can be an important step in helping your child overcome depression.

Is Your Child Battling With Depression? You’re Not Alone. We Can Help You Overcome It.

Depression can be a difficult and painful experience for both children and parents. But with the right support, it is possible to manage the condition and help your child lead a healthy, happy life. At Rogue Community Health, we have professional therapists ready to help your child out of this serious medical illness.

Our providers care for all behavioral health issues, such as ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Don’t let money be an issue regarding your children’s mental health. We are a non-profit organization that supports parents and families, no matter their insurance or financial status. Book an appointment with a friendly professional at our pediatrics clinic today.



Does My Child Need Behavioral Health Care?

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One of the most important aspects of any child’s life is their physical, mental, and behavioral health. Providing stable and positive support systems is essential for a child to achieve their highest potential. However, some children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds may face barriers in accessing comprehensive care.

Behavioral health provides holistic means to give these children the tools they need to thrive and grow into successful adults — particularly those uninsured or with limited financial resources at their disposal. In this blog post, we will discuss why behavioral healthcare is essential for kids who face challenges during their formative years and how it can contribute to improved cognitive-emotional development.

What Is Behavioral Health Care?

Behavioral health care is a specialized form of mental and emotional care that helps children cope with their psychological and social issues. Through this therapy, kids work with compassionate and experienced professionals who help them to learn essential life skills such as problem-solving, communication, resilience, and self-regulation. RCH Medford’s behavioral health care team can also help kids with more serious mental illnesses like depression and anxiety disorders.

Data & Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), ADHD, anxiety, behavior problems, and depression are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children. Between 2016-2019, 1 in every 3 children with behavior problems also had anxiety, and 1 in every 5 presented a depressive disorder.

Most mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders begin in early childhood. 1 in every 6 U.S. children aged 2–8 years had a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder back in 2016. The CDC states that untreated behavioral problems can lead to depression, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts, especially when they reach the age of 12-17 years old.

The Importance Of Seeking Early Treatment

Mental illness can start in childhood, impacting a variety of social backgrounds. Unfortunately, some groups are more likely to suffer due to socioeconomic factors like poverty and lack of knowledge or resources – leading to an imbalanced distribution of  behavioral health services.

Seeking behavioral health services at an early stage can stop the progression of mental health issues. Here are some other ways in which it can improve your child’s quality of life:

  • It can help them better understand and regulate their emotions, allowing them to respond in healthy wayswhen facing stressful situations.
  • It can boost self-esteem, helping children accept themselves and build strong relationships with others.
  • It can provide coping tools for anxiety, depression, or ADHD that may arise during theirteenage and adult years.
  • It can encourage kids to become resilient and confident in facing challenges throughout their lives.

Find Understanding Behavioral Health Professionals In Southern Oregon

Is your child struggling at school, social events, or at home due to behavioral issues? At Rogue Community Health, we’re here to listen, guide, and provide the appropriate care to support your child and their mental health throughout their journey to adulthood. It’s normal to fear for your child’s health and future, which is why our team of experienced doctors and support professionals are trained to give your children extra support and guidance based on their unique set of needs and comfort levels.

Rogue Community Health was founded 50 years ago as a non-profit organization committed to ensuring everyone in our community receives the best possible healthcare, regardless of their insurance or financial status. Schedule an appointment for your children with one of our behavioral health experts today.

4 Differences Between Medical Care And Health Care

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Medical care and health care are two very distinct yet closely related services, each requiring specific skill sets and approaches. While medical care primarily focuses on treating physical illnesses, health care takes a broader approach, aiming to address the patient’s overall well-being.

With this blog post, you’ll learn the difference between the two and how each is useful to you and your needs.

4 Main Differences Between Medical Care And Health Care

  1. Medical care focuses on treating illness and injury, while health care focuses on preventing illness and promoting health.
  2. Doctors and other trained medical professionals provide medical care. In contrast, various professionals can provide health care, including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and fitness instructors.
  3. Medical care is typically paid for by insurance, while health care may or may not be covered.
  4. Medical care is usually only sought when someone is sick or injured. In contrast, health care is an ongoing process that should be followed even when you feel well.

Understanding these concepts’ differences allows us to create comprehensive plans that cover medical and health services tailored specifically for each individual.

Rogue Community Health Provides BOTH Of These Services!

At Rogue Community Health, we recognize the importance of physical and emotional wellness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That’s why our facilities offer access to various healthcare and medical care services designed to prevent illness and promote well-being.

Our facilities are equipped with advanced medical technology, resources, and qualified, experienced providers dedicated to helping you get back on the road to health. We accept Medicaid and most insurance plans so that everyone can take advantage of the care we have to offer.

In addition, we also offer flexible self-pay options so those without insurance coverage can still access our services. Take charge of your well-being today by visiting one of Rogue Community Health’s facilities. Our expert staff is here to help you on your journey toward a healthier tomorrow. Come and get back on track with us!

9 Tips For Managing Anxiety In Daily Life

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Do you feel like anxiety is taking over your life? You’re not alone. Anxiety is a common problem and can be difficult to manage. But don’t worry; there are numerous ways to combat anxiety and get you back to feeling like yourself

In this blog post, we’ll review nine daily tips for managing anxiety, all designed to create greater emotional balance in our lives. So if you want to take control of your feelings and gain more peace within yourself, read on for practical tips for managing anxiety every day!

9 Ways To Manage Your Anxiety

Here are some ways to deal with anxiety daily:

1. Identify Your Triggers

The first step to managing your anxiety is to identify your triggers. What are the things that make you feel anxious? Once you know your triggers, you can avoid them or deal with them more effectively.

2. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant and can therefore make anxiety worse. If you are prone to anxiety, try avoiding caffeine or limiting your intake.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Additionally, exercise can help to improve sleep quality, which can also help to reduce anxiety.

4. Eat A Well-Balanced Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet is important for overall health and can help reduce anxiety. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, are particularly helpful in reducing anxiety symptoms.

5. Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol may seem like a good way to relax, but it can worsen anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant and can therefore exacerbate feelings of worry and stress. If you struggle with anxiety, it is best to limit your alcohol intake or avoid it altogether.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep plays an important role in managing anxiety levels. When you are well-rested, you can better cope with stressful situations. Make sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

7. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Several relaxation techniques can help manage anxiety. These include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation. Practicing these techniques regularly can help to reduce overall levels of anxiety.

8. Talk to Someone You Trust

Sometimes just talking about your anxiety with someone else can help to lessen its effects. Talking openly about what you’re feeling can help you to gain perspective and may also help you to come up with new coping strategies.

9. Seek Professional Help If Necessary

If your anxiety is severe or is interfering with your ability to function daily, it may be necessary to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Rogue Community Health: The Road To A Healthy Life

Rogue Community Health’s behavioral health services are an invaluable resource for those struggling with anxiety and other mental issues. Our experienced counselors offer mental health services ranging from stress management to psychotherapy to help individuals find solutions to their unique needs.

We also strive to provide comprehensive care that includes emotional and physical support and referral services for additional resources in the community. If you or someone you know is struggling with anxiety, we invite you to visit our facilities and speak with one of our knowledgeable counselors.

We aim to be the name that comes to mind when you search for behavioral health. With access to the latest research, treatments, and behavioral health services, Rogue Community Health can help guide you on your journey toward wellness.

Moderna Vaccine Clinic at White Mountain Middle School

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WHITE CITY, ORE. (Apr. 20, 2021) — On Saturday, April 24, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rogue Community Health (RCH) will offer a Moderna vaccine clinic for anyone 18 and older at White Mountain Middle School, located at 550 Wilson Way in White City.

Pre-registration is required and can be completed at

“We want to make the vaccine available at places that are familiar and comfortable for people,” says Ceci Robe, RCH School Health Program Director.

The vaccine will be offered at no cost. Participants who have insurance need to bring their insurance card. All participants need to bring a form of identification.

Rogue Community Health operates School-Based Health Centers at six schools in Jackson County, including White Mountain Middle School, Eagle Point High School, Table Rock Elementary, Ashland High School, Butte Falls Charter School and Prospect Charter School.

RCH previously partnered with Eagle Point School District and Jackson County Health & Human Services to offer a March 13 clinic at White Mountain Middle School that resulted in 134 vaccinations.

About Rogue Community Health (RCH)

Rogue Community Health is a nonprofit community health center that serves nearly 15,000 patients in the Rogue Valley, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. Services include medical care, dental care, behavioral health, integrative health, pharmacy, pediatrics, school-based health centers and community resource assistance. Their mission is to “improve health, especially for the most vulnerable, in partnership with our community.”

Rogue Community Health to Offer Butte Falls Vaccine Clinic for Anyone 45 and Older

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BUTTE FALLS, ORE. (Apr. 7, 2021) — On Thursday, April 15, from 1 to 5 p.m., Rogue Community Health (RCH) will offer a vaccine clinic at the Butte Falls Health Center at 722 Laurel Ave. for anyone 45 years and older.

Pre-registration is required and can be completed on phone or computer at or by calling 541-773-3863.

“We want to ensure our rural community has access to the vaccine,” says Butte Falls Clinic Manager Brandon Faber. “It’s important for people to have availability near them at a location they trust.”

The COVID-19 vaccine administered will be the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which has been proven to be 85% protective against severe illness.

The vaccine will be offered at no cost to participants. Those who have insurance should bring their insurance card. All participants need to bring a form of identification.

Rogue Community Health has held two community vaccine events so far and also has been vaccinating their eligible patients. A March 13 event at White Mountain Middle School resulted in 134 vaccinations and an April 3 event for farm workers, held at Fry Family Farm, resulted in 235 vaccinations.

Anyone with questions about the April 15 clinic should call 541-826-5853. In addition to registration forms in English and Spanish, event flyers are also available for download at

About Rogue Community Health (RCH)

Rogue Community Health is a nonprofit community health center that serves nearly 15,000 patients in the Rogue Valley, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. Services include medical care, dental care, behavioral health, integrative health, pharmacy, pediatrics, school-based health centers and community resource assistance. Their mission is to “improve health, especially for the most vulnerable, in partnership with our community.”

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